'Gran Torino' dir. Clint Eastwood - opening sequence 'screenplay'

Black and white film titles. ‘Gran Torino’ theme is played slowly and mournfully on electric guitar and piano.
Sounds of birdsong, daylight, long shot of chapel,
cars parked outside, church music played on organ.
Volume of music increases. Interior, low angle shot
of organist, stained glass behind.
High angle shot of congregation crowded at front of
church. A coffin sits before altar.
Tracking shot follows old man as he walks past
coffin and photograph of elderly woman.
As camera continues to track with old man, he talks
to taller, serious-looking, suited man (Walt Kowalksi / Clint Eastwood) who is
standing beside the coffin.
OLDER MAN I'm real sorry about Dorothy, Walt. She was a real
Reverse shot of man almost from Walt’s POV
WALT Thanks for coming, Al.
There is another low angle shot of Walt, which
makes him look imposing. He is looking serious. It is his wife’s funeral. He
looks up as other mourners arrive.
A shot from Walt’s POV shows number of kids (Walt’s
grandchildren) are seen kneeling and crossing themselves, before entering the
Walt nods, but then he is seen lifting his head
Another shot from Walt’s POV shows that he is
looking at a young girl’s bare midriff. She has her belly button pierced.
A zoom of Walt shows his disapproval and he makes a
vague groaning noise – in his mind the girl is inappropriately dressed for the
A medium shot of the girl shows she makes
disinterested eye contact with Walt.
A close-up of Walt shows him looking at the next
young person, a boy.
We see Walt’s POV of the boy as he crosses himself
and says:
BOY Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch
There is the sound of the kids laughing as we see
Walt in close-up. He is angry. His eyes move to his sons.
The next shot tracks across in front of the sons as
they talk about Walt.
Walt's sons, MITCH and STEVE, watch their father
from their pew.
MITCH Look at the Old Man glaring at Ashley. He
can't even tone it down at Mom's funeral?
STEVE What do you expect? Dad's still living in
the ‘50s. He expects his granddaughter to dress a little more
MITCH Well your kid's wearing a Lions jersey. I'm sure
Dad appreciates that.
STEVE The point I’m trying to
make is there's nothing anyone can do that won't disappoint the Old Man. It's
Mid-shot of Walt standing alone.
Back to tracking shot of sons.
STEVE That's why we stopped doing Thanksgivings. You know
that deal with the boat motor, the broken bird bath, it's always something.
MITCH What are we going to do with him? Don't you
think he'll get in trouble by himself over in the old neighbourhood?
STEVE Why don't you have him move in with you? (chuckles)
MITCH Ha ha.
They realise they should not be laughing.
Close-up of Walt. He has a bad cough.
Return to low angle shot of organist playing.
As music stops, in long shot, young priest in white
enters and stands behind lectern.
FATHER JANOVICH Death... is often a bittersweet occasion to us
Mid-shot of Walt’s sons, his daughter-in-law and
Walt sitting in front row.
Another shot pans up as an old woman enters the
FATHER JANOVICH Bitter in the pain, sweet in the
salvation. Bitter in the pain…
Long shot of Father Janowich standing between two
candles at lectern.
FATHER JANOVICH …it causes the deceased... and their families…
Mid shot of Walt’s son, wife and Walt, with slight
zoom to Walt as he half turns round towards his grandchildren.
FATHER JANOVICH …Sweet to those who know the salvation that awaits…
Mid-shot of priest at lectern. He is very young
compared with Walt.
FATHER JANOVICH …And some may ask, what is death?...
Tracking shot of older members of congregation
FATHER JANOVICH …Is it the end?...
Mid shot of priest looking towards Walt.
FATHER JANOVICH …Or is it the beginning?
Mid shot of Walt.
FATHER JANOVICH …And what is life?
Mid-shot of priest
FATHER JANOVICH …What is life? What is this thing we call life?...
Tracking shot to Ashley, playing on her phone. Phone
FATHER JANOVICH …All these questions can frustrate you at times like this…
KAREN (Walt’s
daughter-in-law) Ashley, stop it!
FATHER JANOVICH …And that’s why you have to turn to the Lord…
Camera zooms from mid-shot to close-up of Walt’s
snarling face
WALT (growls) Jesus!
FATHER JANOVICH …because the Lord is the sweetness.
End of sequence